MMAD is set up to assist developers in the conceptualization, design and implementation of Hospitality and Entertainment venues. When a developer wants to separate his project from the norm, MMAD is often invited to participate from the concept until the project completion.
MMAD´s approach is holistic, in that we develop the concept with ownership and maintain the continuity of that concept throughout the entirety of the project. MMAD´s background as a company that designs, fabricates and curates art among others, puts the company in a unique situation, able to address and resolve the intricacies of specialist construction.

Michael MacLeod graduated in Sculpture from Syracuse University, NY. Since 1979 he has been making art applied to architecture. As an artist and manufacturer he focused on construction techniques and the arts related to special projects.
he supplied the architectural detailed shapes for the restoration of almost every significant facade in New York City, from the New York Stock Exchange, to Carnegie Hall and the famous Woolworth Building. With a very solid base in engineering and technology learned from restoration jobs, MacLeod was invited to provide fantastic architectural shapes for the hospitality industry, casinos, hotels and theme parks; even the world’s largest Coca-Cola bottle that reigned over Times Square for 13 years. He provided his special services on several of the world’s top 10 resorts, including both of Kerzner International’s Atlantis resorts in Dubai and the Bahamas and MGM Macao. In 2002, MacLeod began to utilize his knowledge base to consult for large developers, working with architecture and engineering firms in pre-tender concepts, developing building systems and outlining the intricacies of the artistic specifications required on projects of this nature and scope.

MMAD is set up to assist developers in the conceptualization, design and implementation of Hospitality and Entertainment venues. When a developer wants to separate his project from the norm, MMAD is often invited to participate from the concept until the project completion.
MMAD´s approach is holistic, in that we develop the concept with ownership and maintain the continuity of that concept throughout the entirety of the project. MMAD´s background as a company that designs, fabricates and curates art among others, puts the company in a unique situation, able to address and resolve the intricacies of specialist construction.

Michael MacLeod graduated in Sculpture from Syracuse University, NY. Since 1979 he has been making art applied to architecture. As an artist and manufacturer he focused on construction techniques and the arts related to special projects.
he supplied the architectural detailed shapes for the restoration of almost every significant facade in New York City, from the New York Stock Exchange, to Carnegie Hall and the famous Woolworth Building. With a very solid base in engineering and technology learned from restoration jobs, MacLeod was invited to provide fantastic architectural shapes for the hospitality industry, casinos, hotels and theme parks; even the world’s largest Coca-Cola bottle that reigned over Times Square for 13 years. He provided his special services on several of the world’s top 10 resorts, including both of Kerzner International’s Atlantis resorts in Dubai and the Bahamas and MGM Macao. In 2002, MacLeod began to utilize his knowledge base to consult for large developers, working with architecture and engineering firms in pre-tender concepts, developing building systems and outlining the intricacies of the artistic specifications required on projects of this nature and scope.
MMAD creates destinations. From a non-existing situation and having in mind the requirement and intentions of the development, MMAD conceives an idea, creates the concept and a sketch. On that basis, it develops the project and takes part in the construction process, art direction and fabrication of specialist architectonic elements. The MMAD staff of artists, architects, interior designers and curators make up the interdisciplinary skill set required for MMAD projects.

«Art takes a team»
Fabricators: Richard Sampson and Glenn Campbell
Architects: James Carry and May Poon
Art Director: Michael Mac Leod
Curator: Gabriela Rolotti
As part of its holistic services MMAD offers consulting and provision of art objects.

+549 3548468001
+549 3513483927
Almagro 710,